Windows 8 provides us a complete different type of environment then windows 7 or any other version of operating system. Applications run on the full screen mode. Looks are totally awesome in windows 8 metro style UI. Windows 8 do have two modes of running some Apps, Desktop mode or Metro UI Mode. E.g. if you will see internet explorer in windows 8 then you can easily analyse what I wanted to say. If you are running internet explorer from the start menu in then you will get a metro UI version of internet explorer but if you run it from the desktop then you will get traditional desktop version of windows internet explorer.
2. Click On “Default Programs” and you will see Option “Set You Default Program” click on it.
3. Choose “Internet Explorer” from left side list and choose “Set This Program as a Default”.
You are done. You have change the default program in your windows 8. You can also change other programs sett
You will get a metro UI version if and only if you have set internet explorer to your default web browser.So while installing any other web-browser if you have set other browser to your default web browser then you will not be getting internet explorer 10 in metro UI style. If you want to change your default web-browser then you can follow the following steps, you can also change other default program setting using these steps.
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