There are millions of blogs over the web of different niche. It is very interesting that Blogging was a great trend some years ago. Many Students, Professionals, Teachers, and other Internet users used to write blogs as per their area of interest. But now a days, most of the internet users stay engaged over Facebook or Twitter or some similar
social media site. They just use internet for entertainment and something like time-pass.
Well, Internet is most important and useful for every person. And its importance has increased much for technical persons like Engineers, Corporate professionals. Blogging is one part which reflects the professional person's strength and skills. As the blogs are vast warehouse of knowledge and information about almost everything, these are very beneficial for students also.
The Engineering students can have too much benefits of having their own blog/website. There are many advantage of having own blog or website. I will cover some of the useful aspects of blogging for engineering students.
1. Blogging teach new things and new technology.
As Engineering students are the technical persons by profession, they need to learn and do many task in their education time. Like Software Engg. students need to learn many programming languages, Web designing, Networking etc. And blogging covers effective utilization of all those skills. So Blogging provides you the platform to practice and increase your skills. If you successfully develop a good blog/website, then obviously you have enough knowledge of web designing, programming languages, software development concepts etc.
2. Blogging improve your skills.
When you start writing your own blog then you will start comparing your work with others as its human nature. And then you feel the desire to get knowledge of new things and ways to improve your
blog writing. Your hidden soft skills will get enhanced that helps in your personality growth. You will realize your potential to do work in better way than others which is the sign of your career growth.You will feel improvement in your management skills.
3. Blogging gives professional exposure to your Resume.
When your resume headline mentions that you are a blogger or Website Owner etc, then it tells what is your knowledge level. When you go for an interview, Your blog is an indication that you are passionate about your profession and you will perform really good in Industry also. So, it increase your value too. And your chances of selection for a job becomes high.
4. Blogging pays you a lot.
Well, during college days Earning your pocket money by your own efforts is an amazing thing. Your Blog can be your
ATM card. If you write and develop blog/website in smart way then you can earn handsome money too. You can write your own blog and then getting some advertisement/affiliate program to get revenue or You can write for other Bloggers and they will pay you for your posts. If you are good at web designing then you can earn by
designing website for others.
5. You will become your own Boss.
If you are successful in making a good traffic over your blog and a good readership too, then probably you don't need to work for some company or organization. You just need to keep your blogging up and you will be your own Boss. You will decide when to work for your website/blog, how much time to work.
So, now I think being a passionate blogger helps you in being a good professional. Blogging is not only a trend. Its a great platform which transform a normal student/person to an entrepreneur.